We have Powercommander V maps for the following applications:
2007-2011 Arctic Cat M1000 with Stock pipe AND- *Modified airbox
*Aftermarket Can
*Y pipe
2007-2011 Arctic Cat M1000 with Speedwerx full system AND-*BDX Black Box
*Sno Pro airbox
*Timbersled intake
*Ported cylinders
*Aftermarket Heads
*SLP Intake
*Stock Intake
2007-2011 Arctic Cat M1000 with Starting Line Products full system AND *SLP Intake
*Sno Pro airbox
*Timbersled intake
*Ported cylinders
*Aftermarket Heads
*Stock intake
Accessories for Powercommander 5
Autotune option $299.99
Racin' Station custom map $49.99